Kili Presents New Music Gig Tickets & Tour Dates

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5 Minutes with Sea Girls

Hey guys, thanks for chatting with us! Over the past few years you’ve release 2 studio albums, 4 EP’s and 25 incredible singles. On 1st December, Sea Girls will be headlining Alexandra Palace for the first time! What can fans expect from the show? 

“A Sea Girls extravaganza! We can’t really contain our excitement on stage, so there’ll be a lot of bouncing around, Henry can’t resist getting up close with the crowd either. There’ll be old songs and new songs, a little bit for everyone hopefully! We’ve seen some amazing bands play there so we can’t wait to be part of that history.”

Playing Alexandra Palace is a huge achievement, so congratulations! What motivated you as a group to get to this point?

“As a band we have grown with confidence in our sound and have become sensitive to each other's strengths, so we draw on the best bits of all of us to make the music.”

What advice can you give to small bands wanting to make it big in the industry?

“Believe in what you are doing and be prepared for a lot of hard graft writing and playing gigs.” 

On a lighter note, you recently sponsored Muswell Hill football teams shirts. Are you guys big football fanatics?

“They’re such a great club! Pretty much any opportunity we get on tour to have a kick about in an empty car park or venues we’re there.”   

Out of your huge discography, what are your top 3 songs to play live? 

“That’s a tough question. For this forthcoming UK Hometown tour we’re really looking forward to playing our new track `Falling Apart’ which we have recorded for the new FIFA23 game.  Musically it’s a new direction for us and we can’t wait for our fans to hear it live. Also, we’ll be playing `Why Won’t You Admit’ an early Sea Girls banger for the first time ever on this tour. And last but not least gotta be `All I Want To Hear You Say’ – it’s loud, it’s relatable, it’s got a big chorus, need we say more.”

There’s still chance to catch Sea Girls playing Alexandra Palace on 1st December, their biggest headline show to date, so get your tickets before they’re gone! Make sure you link up with the guys on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with what they’re up to.